Grass Roots is Australia’s go-to magazine for those who wish to live a more productive and fulfilling life. Articles in the magazine are written by diverse authors who offer a wealth of experience that can be relied upon. Day to day experts share achievable projects to increase self-reliance, save you money and improve your lifestyle. In a typical issue you might find articles on: fruit and vegetable growing, renovating upcycling poultry keeping small farm stock selection organic garden and farm management value adding and marketing of home grown produce preserving the harvest selling at a farmer’s market healthy delicious recipes from the garden crafts and so much more! The reader is drawn into warm community of DIY inventiveness, making, sharing, recycling, cooking and in the end celebrating the greater degree of independence and satisfaction this lifestyle engenders in every member of the family. While many articles are practical in nature, in between the lines you can feel the infectious spirit of those who do, and who love what they do. It is this supportive spirit that encourages us all on our journey to a healthier, happier hands-on lifestyle. Grass Roots is published by people who live the life the magazine celebrates, and readers of its pages have been sharing their knowledge and stories for nearly 50 years.
Gumnut Gossip
Little Acre Gourmet Mushrooms • Amy and Mickey fell in love with the ease and enjoyment of growing gourmet mushrooms at home and started a business inspired by their passion.
Delightful Dahlias • Growing an attractive species like dahlias doesn’t just provide ethical cut flowers, the spent bushes attract small birds to the backyard.
Simple Garden Pond
Sustainable Living • Opportunities abound for creating a satisfying meaningful life, Bernadette says pick out life’s true joys and you are on your way.
Flower Care
We Bought the Tip • GR readers love a trip to the tip shop, but what happens when your new lifestyle property comes with its own personal rubbish dump?
Rhubarb • Get even more from perennial favourite rhubarb with these delicious recipes.
DIY Letter Barrel • Every acreage needs a letterbox that will keep the mail safe in all weathers, fit any parcel, and express some character.
Tea Towel Storage Hanger • Upcycle one of your favourite destination tea towels to make this handy hanger, perfect for inside the front door or in the caravan.
Naughty Hens • Chooks may look as though butter wouldn’t melt in their beaks, but unacceptable behaviours can occur and need a quick response.
Livestock Health & Management • Information you need but haven’t known where to ask
Eco News
Sustainable Van • Julie used her sustainable principles when outfitting the caravan for camping holidays, and saved herself a fortune.
Zen Doodling
KIDS PAGE LIZARD LOVE • lizard hotel, below, which Emily and her sister Sophie created for their mum for Mother’s Day.
In the Kitchen • Asparagus is a healthy source of prebiotics and is currently in season, give it a try in these easy recipes.
Perfect Polenta • Polenta is a delicious option for gluten-free cooking and a great alternative to your usual flour for a nutritious flavour burst.
Buckets of Bokashi
Simply Soap • It’s so satisfying taking on self-reliance skills such as soapmaking; not only can you supply your household needs cheaply, but it’s fun experimenting.
Orphan Lamb Care
Tiptop Tools • Now is the time to inspect your tools so they are well maintained and fit for use.
Problematic Pumpkins
Weave a Fence • Create an attractive and functional fence using prunings...